Most common Acronyms used in BROADCAST MEDIA
Beeper: Live comments from source/ experts/
subject by an anchor in a talk show of discussion programme.
Close caption: (sub-title) OR CCI
(Closed captioning information): Closed captioning
information is the process of displaying text on a television, video screen or
other visual display to provide additional or interpretive information to
individuals who wish to access it. Closed captions typically show a
transcription of the audio portion of a program as it occurs (either verbatim or
in edited form), sometimes including non-speech elements.)
Cross scripting: (TV Acronym) When screen is
showing one thing (video clip) and word are telling something else.
Colour bars: Standard test signal containing samples of
primary and secondary colour, used as reference
in aligning colour video equipment. Generated electronically by a "colour
Dateline: Refers to the city from which a
news story originates. It usually comes right at the start of the story.
DTH: Direct –to –Home broadcast. A digital signal transmitted
direct from satellite, received through small dish at home or subscriber’s end.
Transmission on Ku band.(Very high frequency)
Embargo: Hold the news or report at
particular date and time.
ENG: ENG is a broadcasting (usually television)
industry acronym which stands for electronic news gathering. It can mean
anything from a lone reporter taking a single camcorder out to get a story, to
an entire television crew taking a satellite truck on location to do a live
report for a newscast. .
Feed: The transfer of information from
a source to recipient, whether raw information from reporter to studio or
finished reports fed to a transmitter or another station for broadcast.
Filler: A short news item or
advertisement, usually timeless, used to fill small spaces in a newspaper or
bulletin. Also called fill-in; a short piece of music to fill a gap between
program elements.
Hybrid system: Signal received from satellite
and retransmitted by the cable operators to subscriber terrestrially.
IQ: "in
cue" -- the first words recorded on a cut
Jingle: Short piece of music played on
radio to identify a regular feature, program or product being advertised.
Lead: first sentence of a news story, which should concisely reveal the
story's basic events and provide an introduction to the details given in the
rest of the story
Libel: Written form of offence.
MOS: Motion omit sound (shooting
without recording). A shoot on subject without recording, indirectly (film)
News cut.: portion of hard exposure.
Over-write: A condensed version of news story
which does not introduce any new material.
Tagline: (1) Contact information for an
article’s author, published to enable readers to provide feedback. (2) Also
called a signature line, information about the author appended to the bottom of
an email or blog. (3) In advertising, a word or phrase invented by marketers to
help identify a specific brand, e.g. the tagline for the movie Jaws was ‘Just
when you thought it was safe to go back in the water’.
Tip-Off: Report from freelance journalist
or listener
Timeline: A chronology of key events. Date
and time-wise progress of any news story
Voicer: Recorded report containing only the journalist's voice.
Location Release is a letter of confirmation
agreed between the production company and the owner of the property or even the
exact parcel of land where the crew is going to shoot.
the production department would have the contract signed however it’s always
good to remind people when you are going to be on the location and what you are
going to be doing.
Split page format –Content with half-side (LHS)
with instructions and other half(RHS) with contents/ dialogue/ news caster’s
material/ stories.
TV script
format is used transcribe the picture and dialogue as they relate to each other
(shot by shot & word by word)
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